The 卫生科学学院 was built on Pacific’s long-standing reputation for educating health care professionals and features innovative curricula, 加速项目, 广泛的体验式学习, 对所有学生进行临床培训. All programs include interprofessional education experiences designed to prepare students to deliver health care in a team-based model. 医疗保健提供者是所有职业中最有价值和最需要的职业之一. 

在太平洋健康科学学院, 我们很荣幸为您准备训练有素的运动教练, 听力学家, 临床营养学家, 医学/健康科学的领导者, 护士, 物理治疗师, 医师助理, 职业治疗师, 语言病理学家, 和社会工作者来满足我们社区的医疗保健需求, 包括中央谷, 以及整个北加州.

健康科学学院的校歌是《博彩平台网址大全》?——博士. 塔玛拉Phelan. 她在下面的视频中演唱了这首歌.


我们秉承博彩平台网址大全卓越教学的传统.  教师有权追求卓越的教学和有效的教学方法.  Innovations in teaching and learning allow us to respond to a rapidly changing environment of technology and learners to serve students more effectively.


The 卫生科学学院 (SHS) embraces interprofessional education (IPE) as a critical means to prepare students for real world collaborative practice.  当卫生专业人员一起工作时,患者会受益.  We believe the classroom is an ideal setting to learn effective team–based approaches to patient care.


Experiential clinical education is fundamental to the educational philosophy at the School of Health Science.  我们为每位学生提供高质量的患者接触, 由熟练的临床医生指导准备实习准备毕业生.

预计从2019年到2029年,医疗保健行业的就业人数将增长15%, 超过所有其他就业部门.

 Nicoleta Bugnariu
院长Nicoleta Bugnariu的留言

The 卫生科学学院 educates and trains much needed healthcare providers for a growing industry and prepares all graduates to be leaders of their professional field. SHS提供运动训练硕士学位课程, 临床营养, 医师助理研究, 社会工作和语言病理学以及听力学博士学位, 职业治疗和物理治疗. 还提供语言病理学学士学位. 有些程序可以加速或以灵活的格式提供. 健康科学学院在博彩平台网址大全的所有博彩平台网址大全都提供课程, 在萨克拉门托, 旧金山和斯托克顿.





授权, 参与, and prepare all graduates to be transformative professionals and socially conscious leaders through education, 反射, 奖学金, 和服务.


一个创新的学校和一个有影响力的社区合作伙伴, 全国公认的变革医疗保健教育的领导者.

我们共同的价值观是我们的核心,代表了我们最擅长的事情. 我们的价值观通过定义太平洋教育的本质来指导和塑造我们的成功.  这种肯定的价值观建立了自豪感和归属感, 通过共同的目标感和认同感来支持发展和参与. 他们培养了一种文化,承认并奖励我们员工的才能和承诺, 营造创新环境, 包容与尊重. 作为博彩平台网址大全不可分割的一部分, 健康科学学院致力于以下太平洋价值观:

学生为中心: 无论做什么,学生都是第一位的. 学生的影响是我们做每一个决定的重要考虑因素. 

学术: We have high academic standards with a focus on teaching, 奖学金, and experiential learning. 我们投资于个性化的关注和建立人类潜能的长期关系.

社区参与: 我们致力于向我们的社区学习并加强我们的社区. 我们有共同的目标感,并为我们共同完成的事情感到自豪.

多样性 & 包含: We respect all individuals and embrace the richness that our diversity brings to us as an educational community. 我们承认并尊重差异, 创造力和桥梁是什么是独特的,创造一个包容的环境.

完整性 & 问责制: 我们在行动中表现出诚信. 我们努力做正确的事,对自己和他人负责.

尊重 & 礼貌: 我们对他人表现出真诚的尊重,并愿意参与真诚的对话. 我们寻求建立共同点和与他人联系的方式. 我们互相尊重和重视.

View accreditation status and information for each of the programs offered by the 卫生科学学院: 

A team of experienced and dedicated leaders serve as members of the 卫生科学学院 (SHS) Cabinet and function as a recommending body to the Dean of SHS. 他们是各自专业领域的思想领袖, 证明了经理, 以及各自领域的专家. Teamwork and diversity of thought in the leadership team allows us to be more than the sum of our individual parts.

医疗保健领域的领导者, Pacific has trained health care professionals since 1858 when the university formed the first medical school in California, 现在是斯坦福大学医学院. The university's portfolio of health care programs includes other premier and highly enrolled health programs such as the Arthur A. 杜戈尼牙科学院, 成立于1896年的内科和外科医生学院, 和托马斯J. 朗药学与健康科学学院,成立于1955年.

7月1日, 2020, marked a special milestone for the 博彩平台网址大全 as it welcomed 主席卡拉汉 and renewed enthusiasm for the next chapter of the institution.

7月1日, 2020, was also a special day in the history of the newly established 卫生科学学院 (SHS).  通过组织变革,我们欢迎五个项目加入SHS大家庭. 医师助理(PA)项目从Arthur A过渡到SHS. 杜戈尼牙科学院. 我们非常感谢领导, 支持, and thoughtful stewardship of the PA program from its inception by Dean Nader Nadershahi and the entire Dugoni team. The core value of the humanistic approach to healthcare education and professional practice will continue to be cherished and integrated into who we are as a school.

物理治疗, 语言语音病理学, 听力学, 和运动训练项目从托马斯J. 朗大学药学与健康科学学院. We greatly appreciate Dean Phillip Oppenheimer’s 23 years of outstanding service and leadership. His dedication and commitment resulted in a legacy we look forward to upholding through continued collaboration with the entire School of 药店.

These five established programs joined three new programs launched in the 2020-2021 academic year in the SHS: Social Work, 临床营养, 及职业治疗. 2022年增设护理专业,2023年增设医学/健康科学专业, the SHS's current academic portfolio has ten programs educating the next generation of healthcare providers.

健康科学学院站在前人的肩膀上. 太平洋在医疗保健教育方面有着悠久的传统和良好的声誉, 帕拉维西尼教务长创建新的健康科学学院的愿景, 杜戈尼人文主义的核心价值, and the steadfast commitment to service from the TJLSPHS are just a few gifts the new SHS has received as precious heritage.

1936 — The history of what is known today as the Department of 语言语音病理学 (SLP) begins
1947 SLP增加了研究生学位
1985 ——成立物理治疗科
1997 - SLP与加州苏格兰仪式基金会建立伙伴关系. The RiteCareChildhood Language Center of Stockton provides care for patients in the community and additional training opportunities for Pacific students.
2003 -物理治疗从理学硕士过渡到DPT
2015 -太平洋公司在加州开设了第一个听力学速成博士
2017 -首届医师助理研究硕士
2018 -首届运动训练理学硕士
2020 -博彩平台网址大全新健康科学学院正式成立
2020 — Inaugural class Master of Science in 临床营养 – first Future Education Model program approved in the state of California
2020 -首届社会工作理学硕士
2021 -首届职业治疗博士
2022 -首届护理学入门级硕士学位
2023 -首届医学博士/健康科学博士 


The 卫生科学学院 is the only school within Pacific to span all three campuses across Northern California 在萨克拉门托, 旧金山和斯托克顿. 我们的学生经历以一些最为多样化, 充满活力和快速发展的工业和创新中心.


健康科学学院(SHS)致力于多元化的原则, 公平与包容(DEI).


我们健康科学学院的教职员工不仅致力于教学, but also re搜索ing topics they’re passionate about and using re搜索 to challenge the status quo of patient care and education. 他们的研究涵盖了广泛的主题, 包括给药, 药物设计, 精神健康和病人护理. 在太平洋, 您将有机会与我们的教职员工一起进行前沿研究.


我们的教职员工 from across the country and abroad bring a wealth of experience from academia, 工业和保健部门.   许多人都是家里第一个获得大学学位的人.  您将感受到太平洋SHS团队对学生成功的热情.


我们的健康项目隶属于1000多个外部卫生系统和机构, 包括加州内外的诊所.  Our dedicated clinical education team works tirelessly to expand clinical training opportunities in a broad range of settings.





